Remember to download and put into data subdirectory:

Load the following into browser window:

  • So far we’ve worked with raster and vector data separately
  • We’re using the stars package for raster data and the sf package for vector
  • We’ll also load ggplot2 again for plotting

  • For raster data we’ve loaded it using read_stars and plotted it with geom_stars

dtm_harv <- read_stars("data/HARV/HARV_dtmCrop.tif")
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = dtm_harv)
  • For vector data we’ve loaded it using st_read and plotted it with geom_sf
plots_harv <- st_read("data/HARV/harv_plots.shp")
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = plots_harv)
  • Now let’s plot them together
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = dtm_harv) +
    geom_sf(data = plots_harv)
  • That wasn’t what we expected
  • We don’t see the raster data and there appears to just be one point and an empty map
  • Why?


  • The reason this graph doesn’t work is that the two datasets have different projections
  • We can see this by going back to the individual plots
  • The axes on the vector plot latitude and longitude values in degrees, with numbers in the low 40s and low 70s
  • The axes on the raster plot are much different, with values in the hundreds of thousands
  • These differences are because the two sets of data have different “coordinate reference systems” or “projections”
  • Since the earth is round we have to stretch geospatial data to present it on flat maps
  • There is no one best way to do this so there are different projects, which result in different representations of the world, and different units for locations
  • Here are examples of a few common ones including two we’ll be working with WGS 84, which is latitude & longitude, and UTM

  • The “coordinate reference system” or “CRS” indicates how this is done
  • Coordinate Reference System (crs or projection) is different from raster.

  • We can use st_crs to look up the CRS for this spatial data
  • The projection for the raster data is “UTM Zone 18N”
  • The projection for the plots data is “longlat”, so using latitude and longitude

Transforming data into new projections

  • To work with data having different projections together we can transform the projections to match each other
  • Do this using the st_transform function
  • Takes two arguments
  • The geospatial object to be transformed
  • The CRS to transform it to
  • There are a variety of ways to indicate a CRS
  • Including numeric codes and “well known text” of WKT representations for different coordinate reference systems
  • E.g., the code 4326 indicates the standard longitude latitude CRS, so we could transform our raster data to lat longs
dtm_lat_long <- st_transform(dtm_harv, 4326)
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = dtm_harv)
  • Often the easiest thing to do when combining geospatial data is to match all objects to one of the existing CRS’s
  • Do this by running st_crs on the object whose CRS you want to match
  • So we’ll transform our plots data to have the same CRS as our vector data
plots_harv_utm <- st_transform(plots_harv, st_crs(dtm_harv))
  • Because these two objects now have the same CRS the plot will look like we’d hoped it would
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = dtm_harv) +
  geom_sf(data = plots_harv)

What Projections to Use

  • We’ve seen two of the most common CRS’s
  • Because we’re flattening a sphere no projection is perfect for all circumstances
  • When choosing a CRS you want to think about what aspects of the world you want to preserve, like distance or area
  • UTM, which stands for Universal Transverse Mercator, is one of the most commonly used projections in ecological research
  • It accuractely represents local geospatial information and preserves distance
  • It is primarily designed to work within different zones and so isn’t generally used at scales larger than a state
  • Lat-longs are a common way of collecting data, but don’t preserve any key aspects of the data
  • The Azimuthal Equal Area projection maintains area, so if the amount of area being worked with is important it’s a good projection
  • So, for most of you UTM within your research zone will be the right way to go
  • If you work at larger scales think about what it is most important to preserve and look for a transformation that does that


  • To represent geospatial information from the surface of the sphere-like earth we have to stretch it to make it flat
  • We do this using projections and that are represented as “coordinate reference systems” or “CRS”
  • The st_transform function can transform data from one CRS to another
  • This is often important for working with multiple geospatial objects
  • Thought in some cases geospatial tools will quietly handle reprojection for us
  • UTM with an appropriate local zone is the most common CRS used in ecological research

Do Task 3 of Canopy Height from Space.