INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Code examples should generally build up by modifying the existing code example rather than by retyping the full example.


  • Conditional statements are when we check to see if some condition is true or not
  • We used these for filtering data in dplyr
weight > 50
species == "DM"
  • These statements generate a value is of type "logical"
  • The value is TRUE if the condition is satisfied
  • The value is FALSE if the condition is not satisfied
  • These aren’t the strings “TRUE” and “FALSE”
  • They are a special type of value

  • Conditional statements are made with a range of operators
  • We’ve seen
    • == for equals
    • != for no equals
    • <, > for less than and greater than
    • <=, >= for less than or equal to and greater than or equal to
    • for is this value null
  • There are others, including %in%, which checks to see if a value is present in a vector of possible values
"aang" == "aang"
"aang" != "kora"
10 < 5
10 >= 5"toph")
"zuko" %in% c("aang", "toph", "katara")
  • We can combine conditions using “and” and “or”
  • We use the & for “and”
  • Which means if both conditions are TRUE return TRUE
  • If one of the contions is FALSE then return FALSE
5 > 2 & 6 >=10
  • We use the | for “or”
  • Which means if either or both of the conditions are TRUE return TRUE
5 > 2 | 6 >=10
  • Vectors of values compared to a single value return one logical per value
c(1, 1, 2, 3, 1) == 1
  • Checks each value to see if equal to 1
  • This is what subsetting approaches use to subset
  • They keep the values where the value in this condition vector is equal to TRUE
  • Let’s look at an example where we have a vector of sites and a vector the the states they occur in
site = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
state = c('FL', 'FL', 'GA', 'AL')
  • A conditional statement checking if the state is 'FL' returns a vector of TRUE’s and FALSEs
state == 'FL'
  • So when we filter the site vector to only return values where the state is equal to 'FL'
site[state == 'FL']
  • It is the same as pass a vector of TRUE and FALSE values inside the square brackets
  • This keeps the first and second values in site because the values in the vector are TRUE
  • This is how dplyr::filter() and other methods for subsetting data work

Do Tasks 1-4 in Choice Operators.

if statements

  • Conditional statements generate logical values to filter inputs.
  • if statements use conditional statements to control flow of the program.
if (the conditional statement is TRUE ) {
  do something
  • Example
x = 6
if (x > 5){
  x = x^2
  • x > 5 is TRUE, so the code in the if runs
  • x is now 6^2 or 36
  • Change x to 4
x = 4
if (x > 5){
  x = x^2
  • x > 5 is FALSE, so the code in the if doesn’t run
  • x is still 4
  • This is not a function, so everything that happens in the if statement influences the global environment

  • Different mass calculations for different vegetation types
veg_type <- "tree"
volume <- 16.08
if (veg_type == "tree") {
  mass <- 2.65 * volume^0.9

Do Task 1 in Basic If Statements.

  • Often want to chose one of several options
  • Can add more conditions and associated actions with else if
veg_type <- "grass"
volume <- 16.08
if (veg_type == "tree") {
  mass <- 2.65 * volume^0.9
} else if (veg_type == "grass") {
  mass <- 0.65 * volume^1.2
  • Checks the first condition
  • If TRUE runs that condition’s code and skips the rest
  • If not it checks the next one until it runs out of conditions

  • Can specify what to do if none of the conditions is TRUE using else on its own
veg_type <- "shrub"
volume <- 16.08
if (veg_type == "tree") {
  mass <- 2.65 * volume^0.9
} else if (veg_type == "grass") {
  mass <- 0.65 * volume^1.2
} else {
  mass <- NA

Do Tasks 2-3 in Basic If Statements.

Multiple ifs vs else if

  • Multiple ifs check each conditional separately
  • Executes code of all conditions that are TRUE
x <- 5
if (x > 2){
  x * 2
if (x > 4){
  x * 4
  • else if checks each condition sequentially
  • Executes code for the first condition that is TRUE
x <- 5
if (x > 2){
  x * 2
} else if (x > 4){
  x * 4

Using Conditionals Inside Functions

  • We’ve used a conditional to estimate mass differently for different types of vegetation
  • This is the kind of code we are going to want to reuse, so let’s move it into a function
  • We do this by placing the same code inside of a function
  • And making sure that the function takes all required variables as input
est_mass <- function(volume, veg_type){
  if (veg_type == "tree") {
    mass <- 2.65 * volume^0.9
  } else if (veg_type == "grass") {
    mass <- 0.65 * volume^1.2
  } else {
    mass <- NA
  • We can then run this function with different vegetation types and get different estimates for mass
est_mass(1.6, "tree")
est_mass(1.6, "grass")
est_mass(1.6, "shrub")
  • Let’s walk through how this code executes using the debugger
  • When we call the function the first thing that happens is that 1.6 gets assigned to volume and "shrub" gets assigned to veg_type
  • The code then checks to see if veg_type is equal to "tree"
  • It isn’t so the code then checks to see if veg_type is equal to "grass"
  • It is so the code then hits the else statement and executes the code in the else block
  • It assigns NA to mass
  • It then finishes the if/else if/else statement and returns the value for mass, which is NA to the global environment

Do Size Estimates by Name.

Automatically extracting functions

  • Can pull code out into functions
  • Highlight the code
  • Code -> Extract Function
  • Provide a name for the function

Nested conditionals

  • Sometimes decisions are more complicated
  • For example we might have different equations for some vegetation types based on the age of the plant
  • Can “nest” conditionals inside of one another
est_mass <- function(volume, veg_type, age){
  if (veg_type == "tree") {
    if (age < 5) {
      mass <- 1.6 * volume^0.8
    } else {
      mass <- 2.65 * volume^0.9
  } else if (veg_type == "grass" | veg_type == "shrub") {
    mass <- 0.65 * volume^1.2
  } else {
    mass <- NA

est_mass(1.6, "tree", age = 2)
est_mass(1.6, "shrub", age = 5)
  • First checks if the vegetation type is “tree”
  • If it is checks to see if it is < 5 years old
  • If so does one calculation, if not does another
  • But nesting can be difficult to follow so try to minimize it

Assign the rest of the exercises.